On the market with one click
Trade foreign exchange online - fast, easy and secure
FXclick II is DZ Bank's online trading system for the foreign exchange market. The system enables our customers to conduct their foreign exchange transactions with us flexibly and securely.
FXclick II offers you a professional trading platform for the execution of:
- Spot exchange transactions
- Forward exchange transactions
- Foreign exchange swaps
During normal market trading hours, FXclick II enables you to conclude foreign exchange transactions quickly and easily online in numerous currencies with maximum security and confidentiality.
Information on the use of Netviewer
- Please inform your contact person by telephone about any problems that have arisen.
- Click on the link Interactive support, then on Start application. A dialog box appears in which you must enter an advisor number to be assigned by DZ BANK.
- A new dialog box appears with the message: Your screen should now be transferred, do you want to allow this? By clicking on Select, you will receive a list of the applications currently running on your computer. You have the option of deselecting those applications that you do not want your DZ BANK advisor to see. By clicking on 'Yes', a session is established in which both conversation partners look at the screen and can thus communicate interactively. If you have more than one screen, the desired screen can be made accessible by moving the Netviewer dialogue box.
- By clicking on 'Show/watch' you can set whether your contact person can see your screen or you can see his. You can also assign write access to your computer so that we can show you how to use the application.
FXclick II
Tel.: +49 (0) 69 7447 4354
FXclick II Application support
Tel.: +49 (0) 721 4004 3611